Yulie's Blog A place to record thoughts and knowledges

State of Things (Oct 2021)

개발자로써 성장하고 싶어서 한국으로 돌아온지 딱 7개월이 지났다.

엘리스에서 코딩 부트캠프를 6월부터 시작하고, 개인 웹프로젝트와 데이터분석 팀프로젝트를 마치고 머신러닝 주제에 돌입한 지금, 코스 수료까지 두달 정도 남은 시점이라고 할 수 있겠다.

그동안 많이 배웠다면 배운 것 같고, 뭔가 효율적으로 학습하지 않았다는 느낌도 없지않아 있다. 웹개발, 데이터분석, 이제 머신러닝까지 쭈욱 쉬지 않고 달리다보니 어느 하나 정말 잘 안다고 할 수 있는 느낌이 아니고 불안한 상태에서 다음 주제로 넘어가는 느낌이라 마음이 혼란스러워진 감이 있다.

그래서 블로그를 쓰기로 했다.

To reassess my position.
To know where I am at, where I want to go, and how I would get there.

I am hoping that writing things down will help me in getting things straight in this confusing state of things.

1. Things I have learned

Full stack web development

🌱 Front-end

  • React (strong)
  • Redux
  • JavaScript
  • TailwindCSS (strong)
  • SaSS & Styled Components

Overall, I feel I have a good grasp of React’s component-driven, declarative nature as opposed to traditional imperative DOM manipulation, although more practice will make me feel comfortable.
But I am quite satisfied as I have no plans to go for a front-end developer job.

Want to Learn: TypeScript

🌱 Back-end

  • Flask (strong)
  • TDD with pytest
  • MySQL, Amazon RDS, Amazon S3 (Python Boto3)
  • SQLAlchemy ORM
  • Deployment: Azure, NGINX, uwsgi

I feel I have a grasp of the core concepts necessary to have a backend API server up and running. I am familiar with writing unit tests and integration tests too, although the division between the two could be better clarified.

Honestly, designing database schemas, modelling them through ORMs, creating APIs to communicate with the client blah-blah- were all enjoyable, but I am not sure I enjoyed working with Flask & related plugins as the toolset 🧐.

Large part is the documentation. The documentation around Flask and its plugins all follow a similar style, and I feel the quality and examples could be better, or at least be visually pleasing to read! It exudes the impression of an outdated, not-so-trendy-anymore kind of tool, although strictly my opinion.

Want to Learn:

  • CI/CD with Amazon AWS
  • DevOps and server management (load balancing, traffic management etc)
  • Node.js, FastAPI
  • MongoDB, advanced RDBMS